Just a personal blog. I write about things I’ve encountered, such as some simple programming stuff, codes I write, thoughts I have. Used to be trying to blog as much as I liked, but soon I realized that no one was interested, so I now blog topics which have survived the strict filters in my mind.

1   Blog

This blog is hosted on Blogger with custom domain and I now use reStructuredText and Markdown (for old posts) to write my posts using b.py.

Clean and simple which I have been told by readers a few times, and that’s what I have in mind when I designed and improved the layout. I am confident that my blog’s loading speed is at first percentile among blogs and there are not many messy external social scripts interrupting reading experiences.

There may be some broken posts, images, or in-post scripts, because I have made a few major changes to the layout, which may break the contents. If you see anything out of ordinary, feel free to contact me.

2   Contact

You can contact me through the methods listed in my contact information. If it’s related to a blog post, it might be better you leave a comment in the post’s comment section unless it’s about some silly typo or mistakes.

4   Subscription

You can get notified whenever I post via feed, or you can get the Ultimate YJL Feed, read the details about the feed.


I love comments, but only those with certain degree of quality, or I rather receiving no comments. Not like some bloggers who intentionally disable comments and claim that comment moderations takes too much time, I will always allow people to say whatever they like as long as it stays on topic and with respect.

I may also choose not to reply on certain comments. For example, “thank you” comments, which may even get deleted since it really doesn’t add any values to real discussions. Another example is asking for help, like coding. If there is a related project’s issue tracker and someone comments to ask for like installation issue, I will not reply. That’s what an issue tracker for.

I prefer not to moderate, especially deletion, but sometimes I will have to, especially when there is too many comments, no way anyone can read those. Outdated, “thank you,” or anything doesn’t actually add values, they will be first to be deleted if I must to clean up several pages of comments. Needless to say, spams will get deleted right away as soon as I see them without a question.