After clearly saw the facts about my blogs in newly Google Analytics overview dashboard, there was another fact caught my attentaion already. The status reports from Webmaster Tools:

The second one from bottom is the status of this blog, it says the last crawled on Oct. 18 by Google bot. It's almost a month ago, I don't know why the bot didn't crawl this blog. So I started to think maybe Blogarbage is a bad word? or my blog posts are not worth to indexed?

I don't know the reason, I don't promote my blog posting when I tweet, or post a link everywhere. I only have my blogs on my FriendFeed, MyBlogLog, and Google Profile. That's all I have done for my blogs. I don't do SEO, I think it's cheating as a human. You should not to fit the bots' flavors, but bots should be get smarter. When you try to do SEO, you are not exactly you. You have changed, just a person who wants more traffic. It's not a bad thing, and of course that is legit.

Like some behaviors on Twitter or FriendFeed, I never agreed. Possibly, there are some people who do not agree how I use social networks. I feel those are cheating, don't know how do they feel about mine.

I always believe if you blog harder, try to write with firm logic and rigorous examination, build your own credibility, and post often, eventually, we would form a group of loyal readers. I still believe so. Maybe I am too harsh and too rush to see immediately reaction, these blogs not even two months old.

I would like to steal words from Google Code:

with my addition:

take your time, take it easy