THE US MILITARY has ordered YouTube off of its networks and has launched its own video-sharing Web site for troops, their families and supporters.

Since May 2007, the Defense Department banned employees and soldiers from accessing social not-fighting sites including Youtube and Myspace, citing security and bandwidth issues.

US builds Trooptube

I wonder if U.S. DoD employees watch videos on YouTube all day long? Or how would this involve bandwidth issue? If you already know American Army, then this TroopTube is really not a big thing to you.

Note was closed on 2011-07-31. (2015-07-11T05:48:14Z)

I first visited it to see if I can find a secret LOLcat solider, but for a visitor, you can only see few videos. So I signed up as civilian friend, however, I still see no lolcat.

This sign up form is quite interesting. We all are familiar the Captcha, but when it’s about the Military, you have change your jargon.

So, am I having the Level 1 Security Clearance? :)

Currently the video is limited to up to 5 minutes or 20 MB, you can also mark videos as private, but how would other people watch that? I see no option to add friends or foes :). You can also comment on videos.

I think normal Internet users will not use this website, but I am really bored, just want to check out.