I have upgraded to Fedora 10 with DVD. Honesty, I don't feel many changes. The booting process has a little bit different. It's now always in graphical mode but still the same text-mode message (I don't use RHGB), that looks great. The logging-in sound is different.

The problems I have:

  • If enable gcin (an input method editor) in IM Chooser, system will extremely slow response.

  • Woopra client doesn't run well, it hangs. Could be a Java problem.

  • Flash (64 Bit) doesn't render well.

  • Saw a message "Could not detect stabilization, waiting 10 seconds." at booting, not sure what does that mean. After searched, I got this thread.

  • Amarok is 1.94, but UI has big problem and it can't play.

I ran yum to check if there is updates and hoped they would fix the problems above. I need to disable few repos, e.g. freshrpms and jpackage. Right now, I have 143 updates about 203 MB. After updated, those problems remain.

I am trying to resolve:

  • freshrpms is ready for Fedora 10.

Updated on 2008-11-27

After a day, I still didn't see anyone has same problems as I have. I decided to do a fresh installation, yea, I don't have much patience. I think all problems are caused by very fundamental thing but I don't know what it is.

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