just played What I Go to School For for me. This is performed by Busted, a UK band.

Be straight, I think this song should be banned. The lyrics is enough as reason and music video completely crosses the line. You probably think that's not a big deal, that is just fun or hilarious. No, that's not at all. It's an encouragement to minors who already have been prone to do such things.

I can openly admitted that I had admired three female teachers — actually, only one for sure, the other two I am not quite sure. The admiration is from their professions. In my mind, that song is just nasty. I could say it's OK for adults, but not for minors.

I could understand if the song rewrote under my boundary, then no one would remember this song. The point is they are public people and their target include teenage even preteen children. It's fine if you talk with other adults about what fantasy you had when you were teenage, you can laugh at it and even make them more dirty. All these would be totally fine... but some lines should never be crossed!

Never post things like that in place where minors can easily access. That's your responsibility as an adult. Of course, they are smarter and smarter but what you should do is necessary and never be an optional because they are smart.