Have you tried to reach a blogger when you have a question but that’s about a blog posting? When I have such need, I will check the “About” page, first. But the fact is not all blogs have that page. Some bloggers forgot to provide contact information, or simply they don’t want to be bothered.

What if they want but couldn’t have a good way to allow readers to send them messages? I recently added Get Satisfaction to my blogs. I believe it’s a good channel but may be more like one for real company. It’s not quite fitting as for a blog because of the terms that Get Satisfaction used, “company”, “employee”, “product”, or “service”. But I think I can live with those since I saw no other acceptable options.

There is another service I was thinking to adopt before Get Satisfaction, Skribit1. It’s only for getting blogging topic suggestions. Not so comprehensive as Get Satisfaction is. As of writing, you can only have one blog for an account. If you have many blogs, you need to create more accounts. Skribit is more friendly to blog reader by my feeling.

Of course, you can still provide very old way, the email. That is also a private way. The instant messaging is another way to do. But both of them may not be good idea because some people like spamming.

However, whatever way you are going to take, providing the information at About/Contact page is a must-do. It’s like the index.html, a convention. People used to read that.

I think if you can provide a public channel to allow the communication and other people (not only you and the reader) can read and participate the conversation, that may be good for all.

Do you have any ideas or suggestions in you mind?

[1]http://skribit.com/ is gone.