Well, Live Like a Cat Day is not the day, January 10, 2009, for me because I have been living like a cat for two years. Check out this webcam (I have it in Prism, so I can watch it all day long along with kittens in previous post):

[http://www.ustream.tv/search/live/all/cat/most_views/1 is gone]

It’s like Talk Like a Pirate Day, you do a Pirate in that day. So is for this Cat day, you do a Cat, you can do whatever you want or you don’t need to do whatever you don’t want. If you want to be a real cat: Sleeping all day, chasing mice, or hissing your dog (just kidding). If you want to be a cat person, having plenty of food and drinks and movies, using every postures you can sit on a cough to enjoy a day.

I think I will try to stare. You know, just staring something, usually the air — I am at 9th floor, there are not many things I could really stare at.

Oh! You can also watch these Cats1, do some social cativities with cat people in the chat room. If you still don’t know what to do, consult your cats.

[1]http://www.ustream.tv/search/live/all/cat/most_views/1 is dead.