I tried hard to recall what was the resolutions for 2008, search on my old blog and message logs, but I found nothing. That is what I expected. Year's resolution is promise to self, I am the person who can't keep a promise to self. When I promise someone else, 90% can fulfill it; when I promise myself, 90% can't.

Earlier, a msn contact asked me "any resolutions for new year?" I answered no. Hours later, I am writing this posting because I think I got to promise myself again (for the last time) and spread it out (kind of a forcibly measure).

Now, I am here to announce my only resolution for 2009:

Be a blogger.
Yes, you read it right and you are reading it from a blog posting. Ain't I a blogger? No, not yet. I am still not a blogger in my mind. There is an extra condition to this resolution if it calls success: Must be done before 2009-03-29. That date is a very important to me. If I couldn't make it before that day, the whole thing would be meaningless.

I have nearly four months, that should be enough. I got a goal, next is to have a plan.

PS. This actually is the first item of my 30 Before 30 uncompleted list.