From today, I started to try a new approach in order to stay in motivation every day. You probably have heard of PAD, Photo a Day. Some people convert it into a 365/6 Project whose goal is to take a photo each day in a year. It's a way to show and exercise your willpower, I suppose and I don't dare to start mine.

I transformed PAD into TAD. TAD is simple, all you need to is picking up a task from your list and do it your best in a day. Don't be distracted, only focus on it, and just do it. Once finishing the task, you are free for the rest of the day.

Obviously, tasks must be small, not too complicated; or you wouldn't be possible to accomplish within one day. Actually, somewhat, this sounds like GTD, the differences are one task done required and you don't need to start from top of the list. TAD is definitely only for keeping personal interests. If you apply it on your career, you better to pack up now. :)

Here is my tasks list. Will this work?