It’s not like having a blog, not so easy. Writing on a blog isn’t enough to be called blogger by my definition.

I think a blogger should in random order:

  • Write as much as they can, even a tiny thing.
  • Read other people’s blogs and comment with true heart.
  • Echo, response, or extend people’s blog postings.
  • Encourage people to create, not limited to posting.
  • Open-minded, productive and creative.
  • Have no fear of expressing. This is the hardest part for me, I delete some from my original post, sometimes.
  • Believe in self and have confidence.
  • Write with firm logic and rigorous examination. Don’t rumor without reliable sources.
  • Blog early, blog often, take the time, take it easy.

That’s all I can think about so far. Obviously, I have long road to go, but I am working on.