I just read Dollars for Comments, which was inspired by NICE Assignment: Leave a Comment1, and I want to do the same thing, but to different organization, World Vision.

  • I will donate US$1 for each comment on my Blogger.com blogs, you can see a list on my Blogger.com profile. But comments from same commenter would only count once.
  • Comments have to be left in between this posting’s published date and 2009/01/10 23:59:59 UTC+0800.
  • Donation will go to World Vision within 3 days after 2009/01/10 as soon as I finish the counting.
  • I have set up a minimal and maximal donations. If I don’t get many comments, I will still donate at minimal amount; if I get much more than I can afford, I’m sorry that I could not donate so much. I won’t reveal the amounts now.

I strongly encourage you doing good actions, that doesn’t have to be about money. Being nice is enough to be a good thing. If you have started same thing or will start, please must leave a comment with a link to your posting, then I can go to leave a comment!

Let’s spread the spirit of giving!


You can read the results.

[1]http://www.operationnice.com/2008/12/nice-assignment-leave-comment.html is gone.