BRPS is dead and some links have been removed from this post. (2015-12-13T02:52:18Z)
Today, I spent about an hour to update BRPS. I actually updated for fixing a bug. Somehow, querying label Fedora caused a error return on one of my blogs. I don’t understand why that would happen. Right now, I just exclude any situation like from final result.
Currently, BRPS receives 1.5K+ requests a day. I would say there might be 10+ blogs actively use BRPS, not include my blogs. I can’t give you an explicit list since I haven’t designed that in BRPS, I might never do that.
Here is a screenshot:

Disappointingly, no one wrote for introducing BRPS. They just use it, I wonder if they do know what BRPS is and I believe some of them have never visited BRPS website. They might be copying the code from a blogger which I asked him if he wanted to write about BRPS.
Anyway, I also makde an important modification — retrying. Retrying is quite important and more necessary because I increased label querying from 5 labels to 10 labels. That means the 5-second download timeout on GAE almost has to be happened (Note that there is still other type of timeout, I haven’t dealt with), currently, as my observation, that happens in a rate as 1%. From now on, BRPS might have more DeadlineExceededError.
Amazingly, I got no compliant about that 1%. Possibly, no one notices that Related Posts section missing.
I don’t like to use a widget that has “linkback,” so I won’t put that kind of things in my widget. I just hope people would like it and write for it. I am still waiting.
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