
I Thank is dead and some links have been removed from this post. (2015-12-13T03:24:41Z)

Last of February, I started a new project “I Thank.” It’s built on Google App Engine. I put a lot of things on it, which I haven’t done before. Such as

  • Google Account authentication,
  • sharding counters for calculating all entities,
  • Django’s i18n, custom template tag and feed generator,
  • pagination,
  • unittest using GAEUnit,
  • and other small bits.

You can access the code (BSD’ed) at Google Code hosting. Believe it or not, this is my most prettiest project in terms of style. It’s nearly Pink! There are also many things that I didn’t take care of, e.g. I think it looks ugly in IE and maybe others non-Firefox web browsers.

It’s still under development stage, hope I can get some feedback from you, and you can go checking it out and thank someone!