I am not really a fan of eye-candy stuff, but this one is really great. If I am still using GNOME, I wouldn't need any GNOME panels and default applets. With cairo-dock, it already contains all those things with beautiful images.

Here is a quick video clip, I didn't take much time to customize the dock, but it should be enough to show you how neat it is.

cairo-dock provides applet, program launcher, window list, a system tray, program menu, etc. It works well with Fusion and GNOME. Lots of fine settings that you can tune, background color, images, timing, sizing, font, etc.

If you take some time to adjust it, you should be able to satisify with it and to have a pretty clean desktop in GNOME.

Note: If you mess up settings, you can delete ~/.config/cairo-dock and start over again.
Note2: If you are using Fedora 10, you can install by running yum install cairo-dock{,-plug-ins,-themes} as root.