An extremely unusual forum post links to Final Meal Requests archived page, dated on 2003/12/02. (How did the poster find that?)

That page is about the final meal requests from prisons who were sentenced to death penalty. Imagine that if you were one, how would like to eat for the last meal?

There are some requests I want to specially list:

  • 248 — Chocolate birthday cake with “2/23/90” written on top, …
  • 209 — Justice, Equality, World Peace
  • 123 — Asked that final meal be provided to a homeless person
  • 62 — God’s saving grace, love, truth, peace and freedom
  • 45 — Told officials he wanted to fast

Some of them above aren’t real meals, but more like wishes or hopes.

I know it’s different under that circumstance, your thought, emotion, physical status must be impact heavily. But I think I would like some soup and cold drink. What would you like to have?