I have left GNOME for months. Sometimes, you still miss Desktop Environment like GNOME or KDE. They handle many things behind scenes that you would never ever notice.

(Photo credit on the right: EDC 2: OFF or Finally doing what my mother told me by Theorris)

I use Enlightment 0.16 right now, I have dealt with many things, such as volume control, tray, hotkeys, compose key, etc.

The recent solved issue is the backlight of LCD, actually, this is second time I solved it. There is a command called xset. You can use it to blank screen but nothing about power management:
xset dpms force off

The backlight of LCD is still on, I mis-remember the correct command. The correct one should be vbetool.
vbetool dpms off
vbetool dpms on

This command needs permission, and it won't automatically resume when you move mouse or type a key. xset does, but it doesn't turn off backlight.

You should modify an ACPI action script, which detects laptop's lid on or off. In my case, which is /etc/acpi/actions/ati-powermode.sh (I used proprietary driver). There is a piece of code:
grep -q closed /proc/acpi/button/lid/*/state
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
echo "Lid Closed"
echo "Lid Open"
Make that be
grep -q closed /proc/acpi/button/lid/*/state
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
echo "Lid Closed"
vbetool dpms off
echo "Lid Open"
vbetool dpms on

When this file gets updated, it revert to original. I forgot the correct command, I seached again for the right one. Now, that wont be happened again since I wrote this.

Lastly, a short clip. I intended to find a very short video about lights going off. I did found one, and more than that. :)