I’ve updated my iradio script for a Internet radio station, WJBQ.


A portion of code is copied from MPDisp, I think I am totally crazy for CLI and FIGlet right now. In this modification, it retrieves current playing song and the program host’s name from website, then show them using FIGlet.

The radio station, WJBQ (Portland, Maine), I have been listening to it (The Q Morning Show) every morning on weekdays for about a half year. I seemed to firstly “watch” it (the studio webcam) on ustream.tv.

The data contains start time of playing and song duration, but that will need to do time conversion between timezones, with just Bash, I have no idea how to do that. I wonder if there is a very simple and straight program to do that.

This script depends on MPlayer and Wget (currently, only listening to WJBQ needs). If you have your favorites, and you want have similar info in your terminal window, free feel to post a link to radio station, I will see if I can do something for you.