I knew of this new player, nephilim, few days ago via Arch Linux Forums. So far, I can’t find any official web page for it, I have no idea how to get information or to ask for help, but I got no problem at running it. You may need MPD 0.15 Beta, I have tried 0.14 and got an error. As you may know I like CLI as much as possible, but I think this is worth to introduce, make people know of it.

The layout is very flexible, you can drag any panel and drop at any place you like. I can’t edit the playlist, it doesn’t seem to be implemented yet, but I can double-click on a track in the Playlist panel to play. The playlist you see in screenshot is I edited in the other client. Therefore, the Library panel and the Filebrowser panel do not have actual function at this moment. Album cover can be fetched, but error happens on saving. I haven’t seen the Lyrics panel showing any lyrics. It also has the tray icon, just for showing/hiding the window.

I probably wouldn’t use it anymore, not because it’s not yet fully functional at all but it’s a GUI program. However, I just want to spread it for whom may be interested and hope someone can support this player.