Fall Of Imiryn is the name of the RPG game and Annchienta is the game engine it uses. The game is written in Python and the engine is written in C++ with Python binding. It runs on Linux and Windows. The installation process is easy (I use Gentoo), you only need to follow the steps on the web pages. If you don’t want to install the engine on your system, simply copy the shared library (src/_annchienta.so) and Python binding module (modules/annchienta.py) to Fall Of Imiryn’s directory and run the game.

I knew this game via a post on Arch Linux forums, the poster has put it in AUR. It’s not a long story game (rev903). I posted it because it’s written in Python. Here is some screenshots:


Story begins…


Scene Transition


Heal and save point


In-game small game


Alright, you caught me cheating!

The story is quite short (if you cheat). I don’t think this game is near completion because you can not have any real settings to set, such music/sounds on/off. But it’s definitely playable.

Since it’s written in Python, I believe it’s easier to work on if you want to join the development. The default screen size is 400x300, but you can double it or more if you edit the source. I am not a gamer, so I couldn’t give any comparisons. I have to disable the music and sounds, I am not used to listen to all RPG games’ music. (for f in music/*.ogg ; do cp /path/to/blank.ogg $f ; done, if you wonder how I disable the music and sounds.)

Lastly, let me give you few memorable quotes (revealing by selecting):

Avril: What the fuck?! March: Avril, language.

Avril: Yeah right, you fucking monster! You cannot treat Laustwan like that. If this is the way of the Fifth Guard, then it you can stick it right up your… March: Avril, language.

Avril: What the fuck are you talking about? March: Avril, language.