Happy New Year!


Conky doesn’t want 2009 to go!

Wasn’t going to post anything about New Year, but something is still missing 2009.

The computer just booted up for an hour and a half, I also restarted Conky, but it remains in 2009. :) Caching problem? tmux shows the correct year.

The partial layout code for this Conky setting:

${font Brushstroke:size=16}${color pink}${time %A}${color lightgreen}$alignr${time %G }$color$font
${font Brushstroke:size=20}$alignc${color lightblue}${time %B %d}$color$font
${color #ffcc22}${font Florence:size=28:weight=bold}$alignc${time %H:%M:%S}$font$color

The conclusion is Conky loves 2009! :D

1   Updated on 2010-01-04

Today, I finally googled conky 2009 2010, the answer is just right up there for me to read:

%G year of ISO week number (see %V); normally useful only with %V

I have changed it to %Y and I swear that I copied the code from some there, really! :)