Firstly, you will like it after it goes public comparing to the old one or the official one, it’s still in alpha testing. I have the chance to preview it because I had asked after I read the developer’s blog post.

I asked if I could post some screenshots, he kindly wished I wouldn’t and I respect that because you wouldn’t be surprise when you firstly see @Znurt (the buddy on the top-right at this post). Anyway, I would tell your little about it.

The layout is redesigned and it has more functionalities and information about a package, the color scheme is softer but remains same generally.

You can read Changlog and bugs right in the package page, you don’t have to be redirected to cvs webserver or bugzilla. Use flags descriptions and dependencies (you don’t have these two on official packages website).

I know it’s hard to understand, but I believe you will see by yourself soon. It’s really much better than official one, I hope someday it will take the place of official one.