I got this hours ago:

Do you know what is inside?

I have forgotten I had requested one CD. It's not really taking long to ship, I think it took less than a month to ship.
But you may ask a question if you have read this blog regularly: Why on earth you want a Ubuntu CD?
You might ask that for two reasons: first, I could download and I did; second, I am not a Ubuntu user.
Yeah, but I stumbled on the request page, though it's not my first time saw that page, but I requested at this time. So now I have this free CD. I might install Ubuntu 9.10 again.
PS. I found this is interesting:

It looks like a koala... matching the codename Karmic Koala, right?
Do you know what is inside?
I have forgotten I had requested one CD. It's not really taking long to ship, I think it took less than a month to ship.
But you may ask a question if you have read this blog regularly: Why on earth you want a Ubuntu CD?
You might ask that for two reasons: first, I could download and I did; second, I am not a Ubuntu user.
Yeah, but I stumbled on the request page, though it's not my first time saw that page, but I requested at this time. So now I have this free CD. I might install Ubuntu 9.10 again.
PS. I found this is interesting:
It looks like a koala... matching the codename Karmic Koala, right?
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