Once again, I started over again. From one blog to blogs with specific topics, then back to one. But this time, I brought a new domain name with me, yjl.im. I think I finally find a domain name I would like to own. Why I suddenly wanted to have a domain name? Two or three days ago, after I saw a .name domain, I began to find one. Somehow, I ended up with .im domain name. I interprets "im" as "I'm," I like that but it has a major drawback, I might be hunt down someday. :)

I also wrote a landing page, a pretty simple one, few links, that's all. I was thinking to use Flavors.me, but it costs money for custom domain, I don't want to use url forwarding to an ugly url. So Google App Engine comes to save my money and it actually could do better if I could design.

I chose to stay with Blogger platform, because I know it better and it has better freedom. I really don't want to pay hosting fee and use less 1% of monthly quota. I had thought about using Blogging software for Google App Engine and even considered writing one of my own, but neither would be easy task. If you know me, I am lazy.

To be honesty, I don't know what I will write or how long I will last until I get bored again. I really like the design I have here, it would be great if I could really write something good articles.

Hope this is a good start!