Brainfuck is a programming language. And it’s what it says in its name Brainfuck.

Only 8 instructions:

Cmd  Effect
---  ------
+    Increases element under pointer
-    Decrases element under pointer
>    Increases pointer
<    Decreases pointer
[    Starts loop, flag under pointer
]    Indicates end of loop
.    Outputs ASCII code under pointer
,    Reads char and stores ASCII under ptr

Now take a look at the Hello World (You can run it in this JavaScript Interpreter:

+++++ +++++             initialize counter (cell #0) to 10
[                       use loop to set the next four cells to 70/100/30/10
    > +++++ ++              add  7 to cell #1
    > +++++ +++++           add 10 to cell #2
    > +++                   add  3 to cell #3
    > +                     add  1 to cell #4
    <<<< -                  decrement counter (cell #0)
> ++ .                  print 'H'
> + .                   print 'e'
+++++ ++ .              print 'l'
.                       print 'l'
+++ .                   print 'o'
> ++ .                  print ' '
<< +++++ +++++ +++++ .  print 'W'
> .                     print 'o'
+++ .                   print 'r'
----- - .               print 'l'
----- --- .             print 'd'
> + .                   print '!'
> .                     print '\n'

Any idea? I’m not smart enough so I have to read the explanation.

Anyway, I decided to try to write one (and it’s the only one, I have ever written) to print out:


My first version:

+++++ +++++
  > +
  > ++++
  << -
>> ++
Five iterations
> +++++
  > +
  <<< .
  >>> -
  <<<< .
  >> -

Then, I rearranged the order of memory:

The asterisk
+++++ ++
  > +++++ +
  < -
Five iterations
  >> +
  << .
  >> -
  +++++ +++++ .
  <<< -

Tried to save a few characters:

Five iterations
  > +

  The asterisk
  > +++++ ++
    < +++++ +
    > -
    > .
    < -
  +++++ +++++ .
  << -

Finally, I cheated:

+++++ +++++
  > ++++
  > +
  << -

> ++ . > .
< .. > .
< ... > .
< .... > .
< ..... > .

The character counts:

++++++++++[>+>++++<<-]>>++>+++++[>+>[-]>[-]<<[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]<<>[<<<.>>>-]<<<<.>>-] 86 chars
+++++++[>++++++<-]+++++[>>+>[-]>[-]<<[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]<[<<.>>-]++++++++++.<<<-] 81 chars
+++++[>+>[-]>[-]<<[->+>+<<]>>[-<<+>>]>+++++++[<++++++>-]<<[>.<-]++++++++++.<<-] 79 chars
++++++++++[>++++>+<<-]>++.>.<..>.<...>.<....>.<.....>. 54 chars

I believe someone can do better than I.