I just bought four rechargeable Alkaline batteries (as known as Rechargeable Alkaline Manganese (RAM)) and a charger. The reason I bought this new type of battery is because it provides 1.5 voltage not like 1.2V of NiMH. I have a Bluetooth mouse and keyboard bundle which have been out of work for probably a year because my NiHM battery could not last long on it1, usually one week use. I guess the bundle’s operational voltage range must be narrow, so I started to seek new type of rechargeable battery which can provide the same voltage as the usual Zinc-carbon battery. RAM is the answer and I bought them with a charger.


They are the cheapest ones I could find on net, I didn’t want to spend much money on this new type of battery. They only cost me about USD$8.75.

I used multimeter to test and it really supplies 1.5 voltage just of out its package.


It feels good to be able to type on a full-size keyboard again.

[1]I know there is low-discharge NiMH battery, but the issue isn’t about the self-discharge but the supplying voltage, so it wouldn’t help.