Eight hours ago, I got an idea to use Google AJAX Search API to search for related posts. Now I have published, the first release.

I installed it within Blog Gadget with the following code:

<div class='post-footer'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
  <div style='float:right;width:312px'>
    <h4>Possibly Related Posts</h4>
       <div id='gas-results'></div>
<div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'><span class='post-author vcard'>

Between first line and last line are the code I added. I make sure the code won’t show up multiple time. I have the rest of code at footer:

window.brps_gas = {
  limit: 10,
  add_sites: [
  remove_string_regexp: new RegExp('^(YJL --verbose|Blogarbage|Tux Wears Fedora|Get Ctrl Back|make YJL|The B Thing): '),
  exclude_url_regexp: /(.*archive\.html|blog\.yjl\.im\/$|(blogarbage|fedoratux|getctrlback|makeyjl|thebthing)\.blogspot\.com\/$)/
<script src="http://brps.appspot.com/gas.js"></script>

I included five other blogs, which I am no longer posting on. Note: I don’t have jQuery inclusion in above code because it’s already in my template.

You can simply throw that three lines of code into a HTML/JavaScript gadget and pull it to a place you like. It should work.

On more thing, as you may know Blogger pages do not have labels, but you can use tag_selector option and manually install labels into your pages. You can get the related posts for pages as well.

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