I had been using Inconsolata as the font for <pre> and <code>, but it only provides regular style. There is some cases that you also need the bold or italic variants, such as highlighting keywords in a log text. I looked into Google Font Directory1, but the only other monospaced font, Droid Sans Mono, has no variants, too.


This blog is no longer using Envy Code R around December, 2012. Briefly using Adobe’s Source Code Pro, then switched to Inconsolata. (2012-12-16T14:54:13Z)


Around May, 2015, this blog uses default monospaced font on visitor’s system. (2015-07-06T07:59:33Z)

I checked the Font Squirrel for font with bold and italic styles but couldn’t find one I liked. Then, I thought why not use my terminal font, Envy Code R2? At first it seemed impossible because the author only gives the permission to download from his website and to use. It’s common to think, it’s for personal use only at this moment. I was giving up until I read his reply to someone’s question. I decided to send an email for permission of using Envy Code R as webfont.

After about one day, I got the permission! And now you are seeing it on my blog. The only requirement is put a statement in my stylesheet. (Note: you may not do this without asking the author first. I was asking him to give the permission to *me* not all of us.)

I hope the version 1.0 will come soon, so we will have the chance to see it being released under some open license, and probably gets included in Google Font Directory.

By the way, I also submitted an entry for Google Font Directory on Moderator for adding some other monospaced fonts.

[1]I have been wanting to switch to Google Font Directory, it got released after I developed my own web font hosting script. However, it never provides the fonts I have been using. Well, only one the Inconsolata, but now is none.
[2]I used to use Envy Code B in my terminal, I just switched to R recently.