I cleaned up my cookies, probably less than 24 hours. Here is I have now:

$ sqlite3 cookies.sqlite 
SQLite version
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> select count(name) from moz_cookies where name like '\_\_ut%' escape '\';
sqlite> select count(name) from moz_cookies;

32.46% of cookies were baked by Google Analytics. I begin to think if I should find a way to block (www|ssl).google-analytics.com/ga.js. I currently doesn't have any add-on for any kind of blocking and I really don't want an add-on just for blocking one script.

So, I added google-analytics.com www.google-analytics.com ssl.google-analytics.com

to /etc/hosts file and clean up __ut* cookies and cache. So, I wouldn't have a local copy of ga.js, it's the baker. You gotta fire him!

Don't eat too many cookies!