This one just popped out in Reader, Google Relaunches Instantiations Developer Tools - Now Available for Free. I don’t write Java and generally don’t like it, so it’s not my thing actually.

But my point here is Google buys many companies and we often can be benefited from those. For example, FeedBurner’s Pro version, Picasa, Jaiku1 source code (The website still working? I thought it’s dead), and more.

Now, take a look at Oracle. OpenSolaris is discontinued as a good example, you might want to check OpenIndiana, we are lucky that OpenSolaris is an open source project. Or something like this file converter2 used to be free. And MySQL, nothing really happening to it (yet), but it has more negative voices than when Sun bought MySQL.

It might not be about money, it could be anything. Freedom, openness…

Even though I don’t like Java, I wouldn’t like to see someday Java being suffered; or see going to dark future.

[1] is gone.
[2] is gone.