Since I started to get familiar with Vimperator, C-a1 is always my best friend when I read a thread on discussion forums. It increases the last number in URL, meaning if a page URL like:

and you press C-a, then you will be brought to page 124. You can also use C-x to have opposite direction, it brings you to previous page.

I was reading about buffer1, I wanted to learn more about it. One thing caught my eyes, actually more than one. I learned gf can switch between rendered page and page source, I used to right click on page and select View Page Source or C-z C-u.

But [[ and ]]1 are the real things amazing me. They search links with special labels, e.g. next and previous links. It’s very useful when you are trying to go through Google search results, they don’t use page number. Who knows how much time I had wasted on using mouse to click on next or using f and number to go to next page.

[1](1, 2, 3),, and are gone.