Ever felt why pressing Alt+Tab likes an endless loop, especially when your eyes and hands don’t coordinate together well after you press one more time and get past to the window you really want.

I usually have only four windows on my screen: Terminal (urxvt + tmux), Firefox (Vimperator), SMPlayer (providing beats, or distraction?), and KeepNote. Just four and I often feel I can’t switch to right window efficiently, I don’t use mouse to select window most of time.

I wrote a script better-alt-tab.sh using wmctrl, so I can run something like:

$ better-alt-tab.sh t

Then, terminal window will be selected. f for Firefox, m for SMPlayer or mplayer, and k for KeepNote. If runs without arguments, then it lists all windows using dzen, I don’t use this function but Fluxbox’s WorkspaceMenu.

Just bind it with window manager’s keys, in my case, the keys configuration of Fluxbox.