Alright, this is a null-grade post. Nothing really important except the first part.

One of my favorite channel, Food Wishes, has just announced that they are acquired by If you don't know either, well, I guess you probably a fast food lover.

Aside: There is nothing wrong with fast food, I don't get why some people so dislike them to emphasis their taste or healthy diet. It's how you make, not how fast food is cooked.

Anyway, I read the press release and just realized how big Food Wishes is. 2 million views and work independently, Chef John really does an amazing job.

If you have watched his videos, that number isn't really hard to imagine. His videos is so fun too watch, especially when he make some pun connection.

Back to the service I was talking about. (Was I?) Let's take a look at screenshots first.

I do not edit it or use Firebug to make fun of screenshot. They are untouched, SOO<del>C</del>S. (Straight-Out-Of-Screen)

That's just v1.5 (I think I can call that), there is an old v1.0, which generates 36,772 requests in last 24 hours. Multiply it by 30, that would be 1,103,160+. (The real number should be little higher, because it's actually 23h-24h window) Sum up them, it's 2,541,340.

Holy smoky bacon with cheese, I have no idea my simple script serves 2.5+ million times a month. If that wasn't Chef John, I wouldn't have looked into it.

If I nuke the service someday, I wonder if I would hear some swears?

I wish this statistics was my blog's.

PS. that service is NFS, the question mark sneaks into title by itself.