Thank you, spams! Thank you for bringing 60 poor people to my blog posts, I believe that they are real people and eager to find out what's going on and how to get rid of those.

Thank you for filling up my boring traffic source with your creative member profiles.

Thank you, you kindly Ukrainian people for spending time sending delicated fabric HTTP referrer header to Blogger server. It must cost you some bandwidth to send to a million of blogs or even more. On be half of all our bloggers, we thank you. I apologize if some come from other nations and I didn't give you credit. You can leave your information in comment, I will add as soon as I finish process the invaluable message in the folder named Spam in Gmail.

Also, thank you, you genius high moral programmers for building programs for those people. I know you guys build them not for money, because that's only a few bucks, that's all those people can pay you.

And how can I miss our beloved Blogger staff? They let us enjoy reading the amazing statistics. For the last few days, it's been a fantastic period of time. The number get higher and higher. Who knows, I might hit one thousand pageviews next month.

Lastly, for a comparison, just to show you how bad product Google Analytics is, can not detect HTTP referrer which web server receives. The following screenshot is made by increase the size of new Google Analytics report's embed, so you can see clearly. The line on top is pageviews, the other is visits. As you can see, Blogger Stats gives you 100+ more pageviews.

Don't use Google Analytics, Blogger Stats is better. No installation required, better (bigger as in number) results.


Half way to join to 500 club