I was browsing and luckily I read this thread. After watched the intro video1, I clone the repo, then started compiling. I did have a tiny issue, but it was resolved in no time.

You can grab the code on GitHub. Right now, it’s sexily bouncing on my screen while I was listening music. You can watch a clip I recorded.

It’s sexy because of its colors. This is probably the first time I could say that without feel much shame of it. It’s tastes like a good bottle of wine, which comes with a little hint of elegantly fruity…

Anyway, I have removed x11-misc/notification-daemon from my system. You will need to create a service profile at /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.freedesktop.Notifications.service for notify-send or any programs uses libnotify:

[D-BUS Service]

Note that currently the client twmnc does not communicate with daemon via dbus (but daemon still can accept message via dbus), it’s better that you start the daemon manually or fire up notify-send once to bring up daemon.

If daemon is not running, twmn client says nothing.

Edit: I forgot to mention that Qt is required. It’s fine for me because I finally can have second program uses Qt on my system. Previously, only SMPlayer uses.

[1]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rmc_HecsfoA is gone.