
a new blog post and new version of this script have been published, it adds new option for Commit calendar like Contributions calendar in a GitHub profile page. (2013-02-03T17:30:40Z)

Here is the quick stuff to understand what this is:


Every argument is basically optional, however you need to use '' to indicate
that you are not specifying it.


"2011-01 to 2011-03" # Jan. to Mar. in 2011
">2011-05" # Since May.
"-3" # Last three days

See hg manpage for DATE FORMATS section.


"2 weeks ago"

See..., uhm I have no idea where to look at. gitrevisions manpage for
date specification, perhaps?

You can grab the script here.

The script will list all directories and look for VCSes’ special hidden directory. Currently (and probably only will be), it only supports Git and Mercurial (Hg). As you can see, there are two types datespec used. Git and Hg have some differences, I need to separate into two.

It’s MIT’d and hosted on GitHub, feel free to request features or even better, open pull requests! (Patch might be more suitable, or you need to publicly fork my dotfiles on GitHub).

I wrote this because I believed I had caffeine overdose (xD), but clearly, from the screenshot above, I didn’t have.

Gotta have my cup, gotta have caffeine!

Shoot! It’s already Saturday.

(I know, I know it’s old… but still have too much caffeine in my brain, that’s all I can come up with. ;)

Edit: Damn… forgot this blog’s timezone is set to Pacific time… It’s still FRIDAY, YEAH!

*** WARNING: This blog owner is BUI (Blogging Under Influence)! ***