Yes, there is such same thing called Call Stack in Bash as you see in C, Python, etc. The information is stored in BASH_SOURCE, BASH_LINENO, and FUNCNAME. They all are arrays with same length/depth. The last item represents main script, the first item is the current function (or main script) of where these arrays are accessed.

Here is some working code, the first file

# Copyright 2012 Yu-Jie Lin
# MIT License

# Log Call Stack
  local i=0
  local FRAMES=${#BASH_LINENO[@]}
  # FRAMES-2 skips main, the last one in arrays
  for ((i=FRAMES-2; i>=0; i--)); do
    echo '  File' \"${BASH_SOURCE[i+1]}\", line ${BASH_LINENO[i]}, in ${FUNCNAME[i+1]}
    # Grab the source code of the line
    sed -n "${BASH_LINENO[i]}{s/^/    /;p}" "${BASH_SOURCE[i+1]}"

# LINE 18
func2 () {
  func3 foo bar
# LINE 22
func1 () {
  func2 a b c
# LINE 26
func1 1 2 3

This is extracted from something I am currently working on, which will be released under the MIT License, so this small code is with same license. The second file is for being sourced:

func3 () {

And the output:

$ ./
  File "./", line 27, in main
    func1 1 2 3
  File "./", line 24, in func1
      func2 a b c
  File "./", line 20, in func2
      func3 foo bar
  File "", line 2, in func3

It may look vaguely familiar to you if you are also a Python coder, the code mimics the output of Traceback module.

The explanation of those three arrays can be found in man bash. I am also planning to print out BASH_ARGV for each frame, but that will be in that library I am coding.