I used to use Markdown to write blog posts until I discovered that reStructuredText is easier to add more functionality on my own without patching the core library.

Occasionally, I will need to update posts were written with Markdown and usually I manually converted. Today, I was updating a relatively long post and I just edited on Blogger and edited the Markdown source accordingly. It’s too long to convert in a short time.

After finished updating, I really thought it is a good idea to find a converter because I still have quite a few posts would need conversion. I found Pandoc is a powerful converter for multiple formats and to make it even better is it has an online converter.

Here is screenshots of that post.

The result is not perfect, but I didn’t expect it would convert the file flawlessly. I only need it to do the most of job and I can manually fix the rest.

For example, reST can not do inline markup in inline markup or partial inline markup on a work without tricks, and Pandoc does not seem aware of that, at least this online converter does not. But this is only a minor issue.

I don’t intent to install it (33 packages including Haskell, no way!) on my computer since I don’t have much need to convert many docs, only once a while and this online converter is good enough to me.