Check out the last referrer URL in this screenshot:

I saw that referrer when it first came in, but I didn't want to check because I already knew it's a fake referrer. Now, I am bored, so I google'd, whois'd it before I visited.

First one told me it would be really old and it does look old:

I really suspect if that date was supposed to be 5/4/98. The background image, those icons, blue big title...

And at footer,

Whoever behind this owns a ton of Ebay[Whatever].com. 13 years and trademarks, it must be something huge that hurt this person, or ...

I just want to say... if this person is behind that fake referrer, he or she is no better than eBay. This statement does not mean I think eBay is bad or good.

And I didn't anything the content between those screenshots above. Does someone really read a page like that long anymore?

Where is dat Tweet button and I Like button?