I just discovered this music by a very strange way. I was notified that there is a new upload from one of my subscriptions. As always, I visited YouTube home page by bookmark, but I was switching to another page for other things. Planning to check out that video after I finish on the other page.

Out of blue, this song was played in background. I have no idea where that music came from until I saw the tab was supposed to be YouTube home page was not. Glad, it is a good song and it’s daytime, I liked it, or this would really scare the hell out of me.

The strange thing is the URL indicated that it was recommended video like you click one video on Recommended. I went Packard one in browser history, but I couldn’t went forward to go back to this video.

This is no way I had this video link in my system before except if it was showed in Recommended section and I had never heard of the singer (or band, not sure) or this song. I was 100% I didn’t miss click because I didn’t click anything. I use Pentadactyl, I type in commands to open new bookmark, in this case YouTube homepage, and to switch tabs.

I don’t think YouTube has something to do with this, I doubt they would do such thing, beside it’s not yet 4/1 and that is not a rickroll’d video.

All I can say is that’s a fate, though I don’t want to use that word, but that’s the best way to put it.

Maybe He know I like Christian music?

“Use this at midnight: Don’t give up.”

(If you are so interested what video I was going to watch, here it is. Yes, I know I am a vegan1.)

[1]On 2014-08-25, I converted into ovo-lacto vegetarian because of vitamin B12. (2015-12-01T02:27:10Z)