is very interesting idea and I believe it could be useful if its interface is better. I use it to record how I do my weekly update:

Note is gone, so is the recording (, but I have made a video. (2015-07-19T02:46:12Z)

This is not a great recording and I wasn’t aware the scrollback in rxvt-unicode wouldn’t be seen in the recording, so you would see a few long pauses.

I probably won’t use anymore, not because it’s functionality but because I don’t know how long will it last on Internet. Currently, you will need a server to run its open source code if you trust yourself can keep files stay forever, meaning you need to run your own I hope someday we can just save the recorded files somewhere and use the player to load it and play.

It will also need seeking and embedding functions. You can’t fast forward to skip boring bits and you need to use iframe in order to show your recording on other webpages, like I am doing now.

You also saw I sourced a file at the beginning in order to avoid some issue which has problem with my prompt. I also notice that there is strange current working directory being printed with tmux, which I don’t know the cause.

Those are tiny issues, but I won’t try to help fix them because I am not going to use it anymore. This is just a simple demonstration, hopefully someone will find useful and contribute to it.