I have been experiencing a new reward system which should keep me writing or doing things. The purpose is somewhat like Getting Things Done (GTD), making sure things can be done eventually, but using different method which has rewarding factor.

It's very simple and only involves one number and two categories. One is Plus category, which includes things will earn you one point when you finish one task from the category. Another is Minus category as opposite to previous category, they cost you 1 point when you do it, that is -1 point in other words.

The points are calculated as the only number in this system. There is no strict rule about what you should do next, not like GTD. You can do all stuff categorized as Minus if you want. However, you will see the number towards -∞.

One important key is to try to keep balance, namely, the number is near zero. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to do so:

It has reached 2-digit and hasn't yet come down. The image was taken days ago, 16 was the record so far, 14 at this moment. Somehow, I am reluctant to collect my rewards, which usually is a one-hour TV watching or reading a page of fun stuff. If I write a blog post or a piece of code, then I get one point.

I think the system is good, because it's not strict and free to decide what you want to be a reward and a point gatherer. The problem is just like before, only this time in on another side, I still am procrastinating and the problematic component.

I will really need to get some games, so I can reduce the reward points. But, that may result more blog posts. At this point, after I press the publish button, I get another point.