I have a cold since last night and it was getting worse. I probably had used two whole boxes of tissue. My nose was like broken pipe, fluid running unstable, it just kept coming out.:-S

I tried hot shower and tea, that didn't work out. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore, I made some ginger tea. Now I am feeling better, much better after I had only drunk half cup of ginger tea.

I learned how to make it a few years back, and it always is very helpful in winter or any cold weather. Strangely, I didn't make any in last winter; and interestingly, I am guessing the cold was late, it finally caught up with me. ;p

Ginger tea is super easy to make, ten minutes top, and you only need ginger, water, and sugar. That's all, sugar probably is optional, if you can take spicy from ginger, but sugar makes the tea smoother as you drink. Some may put in some herbs, but that's up to you.

I don't have amounts for ingredients, scrape ginger's skin with spoon, slice it, add to boiling water with sugar. Taste it, adjust, done. Drink when it still hot, but the temperature you can take comfortably.

I feel I rarely catch a cold in winter and more often in hot summer. I don't why but that seems always true for me. My body like reversed seasons, I guess. To make things worse is to have a cold in spring or fall when it's not cold, but not hot, either. As season transitioning, that always is a wonderful time for viruses to enjoy some lovely time in our bodies.

Well, have a cup of ginger tea!