  • “To him that watches, everything is revealed” — Italian proverb, read on Common Law episode 2, which is a funny tv show. (2012-05-21T11:33:57Z)
  • “It is a dream for you American come to Roma to see everything so old, no? Ahh, and for us in Italia, we dream of coming to America where everything is so new…” — Giuseppe, via The Trip Continues: Firenze, this reminds me of a proverb: “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” It seems people always have better stuff than we have.
  • I forked a Gist, which is a CSS property sorter, into css-prop-sorter. Updated command-line interface, added a couple of options, test files, and published to PyPI I need this kind of sorter because my stylesheets always looked like a mess. (2012-05-12T13:56:02Z)
  • timbre — this is an awesome stuff, check out its demo. (2012-05-27T06:44:48Z)
  • Grounded! Good kitties don’t woof! (2012-05-21T14:48:29Z)