I was going to undelete it then to reply after I read this guy’s other comments, this deleted comment in this post was real, not by spammer. But I found out you can’t undelete once deleted, so I am posting to reply, although I know this guy wouldn’t have chance to read it. Have to get it out of my chest.
After I realized this commit is legit, my thought turned 180 degree. You absolutely have no rights to drop a F-word in a place you just got in. In fact, no places at all.
Such a unmannerly person.
You can freely judge my content, but you need to explain your point, not just drop a F-word and use the word “BS”, then leave. Such disrespectful act, that is not an opinion, but a barbarian roar.
Unfortunately, there is no options to report, couldn’t find a button, only a blacklist. Even I know that probably not going to get him booted out of Disqus system.
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