Interesting post, NASA discovers portals.

In the end of the post, it says:

However, there’s no doubt that this is a pretty cool announcement. Just not one that we can use to get to Tatooine or the Delta Quadrant.

Recently, I re-watched The Omega Directive episode of Star Trek: Voyager again. I probably have watched the series at least three or four times. I can tell you this, no one wants a portal to Delta Quadrant, because Borg is there! And more formidable enemy, Species 8472 by Borg’s designation, even Borg fears them. I think we need Captain Janeway, the old one.

Sigh, why is there no more Star Trek series? Don’t understand why people lose interest of space sci-fi, but not those nothing-is-real-but-scripted-reality-shows. If you want reality, go out; need some drama? look around, plenty.