Hold your congratulation line, don't get too excited for me.

It may look amazing, reaching one thousand pageviews a day. In fact, the record seems to be 1,056 pageviews when one post got into reddit.

You can see there is a significant increase in last few days, that's when I made Disqus load with page, instead of load by a button click. I wanted Disqus Discovery, to be more precise, the related content since I had removed related posts. But it really came with a price, a bloated pageviews.

There were a lot of http://disqus.com/embed/comment/ referrers:

Unfortunately, it's not like viewers click on related content and read another post of mine. Somehow, embed.js requests the page and more than once, sometimes:

I also checked on other website which has Discovery shown, same issue. If Discovery isn't shown, this won't happen. There must be a bug, because there is no need to load the page more than once. Well, it shouldn't be even once, actually. I can't really think of any reason for this.

Right now, I have reverted to button-loading Disqus. It's not worth to bother readers' browser to load unnecessary stuff. Disqus still loads a lot of stuff.