Yes, I know it's still 2012. When the clock tells me it's 2013, I will be too lazy to summarize it. Besides, Doomsdays is coming, we probably wouldn't have seen the new year. Yeap, I know. Again. Only silly people will believe Doomsdays is true, right? How could they not see the real threat is Juno?

Moving the range one month ahead, so when it's said 2012 in this post, it means from December, 2011 to November, 2012. First, starts with the summary in case you just want to read the numbers.


  • Blog: 331 posts and 85 comments.
  • Code: 17,591 additions and 17,874 deletions.
  • Gentoo: 1,056 merges and 999 un-merges.
  • Emails: 750 mails.
  • 4,711 scrobbles ~ 9.8 days (if each track is 3 minute long).
  • Television: 1,240 episodes ~ 52 days.
  • Film: 29 films ~ 2 days.
  • mt: 265.
  • gad: 35.47 (yjlv) + 76.18 (brps) = 111.65.


Basics numbers

331 Posts       378.730 per year   31.561 per month
85 Comments 97.257 per year 8.105 per months 0.257 per post

First post <- 0.9 years -> Last post
One-liner text using jQuery... <- 10 months -> Stack Overflow testing revi...
2012-01-16 11:53:00-08:00 <- 319 days -> 2012-11-30 14:34:00-08:00

331 Posts    210 Updated (after 11 days, 3:10:58.704524 in average)

106,338 Words     321.263 per post
541,550 Chars   1,636.103 per post
  1,574 Labels      4.755 per post

With addition 10 spam comments. Most used word is, well, the "I," 3,170 times. I really need to quit that, heck, it's I++.

Only 321 words per post, it's not very long. I wish my posts will reach 1,000 words in average in the future, though I won't keep that in mind when writing. Blogging shouldn't be like that, it should go with the flow of mood, not the word count.

Most commented posts

   25 ( 29.4%): Full referrer URL in Google Analytics reports
    9 ( 10.6%): Sigh, glad I still have Disqus on my side
    5 (  5.9%): Bored? Have some random eats with recipes on ActiveState Code
    5 (  5.9%): Let your readers decide when to load Disqus
    4 (  4.7%): The Reading list in Blogger Dashboard
    3 (  3.5%): GitHub following and watching graph
    3 (  3.5%): Silly retard filename for removal
    3 (  3.5%): Three years with Gentoo
    3 (  3.5%): Custom date time format in Google Docs Spreadsheets
    2 (  2.4%): Fus Ro Dah!
I can't even remember 7 of them which were written in 2012. It's not like I forgot the content, just too many posts that I couldn't recall when I wrote them.

Distribution of posting and comments

. By Year and Month ..........................................................

YYYY-MM  Posts                             |                          Comments
2012-01  16                           #####|                                 0
2012-02  42                   #############|##                               2
2012-03  94 ###############################|#####                            5
2012-04  89   #############################|############################### 27
2012-05  32                      ##########|##                               2
2012-06  24                         #######|####                             4
2012-07  10                             ###|##########################      23
2012-08   0                                |                                 0
2012-09   0                                |#########                        8
2012-10   0                                |#####                            5
2012-11  24                         #######|##########                       9

. By Day of Month ............................................................

Day  Posts                               |                            Comments
 01   9                ##################|####                               1
 02  16 #################################|                                   0
 03  11            ######################|########################           5
 04   6                      ############|########################           5
 05   9                ##################|####                               1
 06  16 #################################|##############                     3
 07  12          ########################|################################## 7
 08  10              ####################|###################                4
 09  12          ########################|################################## 7
 10  10              ####################|################################## 7
 11  12          ########################|#############################      6
 12   5                        ##########|########################           5
 13  15    ##############################|###################                4
 14   8                  ################|                                   0
 15   9                ##################|####                               1
 16  14      ############################|                                   0
 17   6                      ############|#########                          2
 18  12          ########################|##############                     3
 19  11            ######################|#########                          2
 20   8                  ################|#########                          2
 21   9                ##################|#########                          2
 22  15    ##############################|                                   0
 23  14      ############################|########################           5
 24  10              ####################|####                               1
 25  16 #################################|                                   0
 26  10              ####################|#########                          2
 27  12          ########################|####                               1
 28  15    ##############################|##############                     3
 29   5                        ##########|#########                          2
 30   7                    ##############|##############                     3
 31   7                    ##############|####                               1

. By Hour of Day .............................................................

Hour Posts                               |                            Comments
 01   9                ##################|####                               1
 02  16 #################################|                                   0
 03  11            ######################|########################           5
 04   6                      ############|########################           5
 05   9                ##################|####                               1
 06  16 #################################|##############                     3
 07  12          ########################|################################## 7
 08  10              ####################|###################                4
 09  12          ########################|################################## 7
 10  10              ####################|################################## 7
 11  12          ########################|#############################      6
 12   5                        ##########|########################           5
 13  15    ##############################|###################                4
 14   8                  ################|                                   0
 15   9                ##################|####                               1
 16  14      ############################|                                   0
 17   6                      ############|#########                          2
 18  12          ########################|##############                     3
 19  11            ######################|#########                          2
 20   8                  ################|#########                          2
 21   9                ##################|#########                          2
 22  15    ##############################|                                   0
 23  14      ############################|########################           5
 24  10              ####################|####                               1


29 (  1.8%): Bash
28 (  1.8%): Python
26 (  1.7%): thought
22 (  1.4%): JavaScript
22 (  1.4%): Blogger
17 (  1.1%): shell scripting
13 (  0.8%): Gentoo
12 (  0.8%): Song of the Day
12 (  0.8%): Google
10 (  0.6%): email

Numbers from Google Analytics

Compare to 2011, the numbers are doubled, even four months have no new posts. In Blogger Stats, the pageviews are 172,645, that's 42.7% more than 120,945 in Google Analytics.

Top posts haven't changed much, three posts written in 2012 got into the list.

As for traffic sources, more people from search engine, which is not what I wanted at all.

Television shows and films

In 2012, I watched 1,240 episodes of television shows and 29 films. Just for rough average number 1,240 * 1h + 29 * 2h = 1,240 hours + 58 hours ~= 54 days.

Holy cow, 54 days! I spent two months on watching television shows and films in 2012.

I wish I was wrong but I took very detail records. After I watch an episode, I use VimNotes to take a record with timestamp. One episode per line, so grep and wc can get the correct numbers. I have been keeping record since October, 2010.

If I was able to count my time spent on YouTube, that would definitely contribute a lot.


17,591 additions and 17,874 deletions. Only count towards some of my own repositories.