No, this is not about the inhumanly, awful Cinnamon Challenge.

Aside: I had no idea someone actually made a Wikipedia page for it. But you really have to watch it to understand how many nuts are out there.

I was watching a cooking video (just click the link and watch first), then totally unexpected ingredient was added:

… salt, and cumin, chili powder, and like literally just a little tiny smidgen of cocaine

It’s different than Chef John’s humor or double entendre, this is a blooper, a super hilarious slip-up. I have heard of some marijuana cake, but cocaine as spice, that’s the first. It takes her literally one second to realize what she have just said, cinnamon and cocaine hardly sound alike, I wonder…

Anyway, kids, don’t do cinnamon or accept cocaine challenge, they are bad for you! But moms, add some cocaine to spice up your dishes!