It can’t be a better timing to share this 33-year-old song, Happy New Year (1980) by ABBA (1972-1982).

During this time of year, people used to talk about the good, the bad, listing what had been done in the previous year, doing reviews, making resolutions or none, and these sorts of things. It’s quite interesting to read blogs doing those, and I can see everyone has its own way to write about it.

An end is also a beginning, a start of something new, trying things you have never dared to do before. For me, as a blogger, not crazy enough like those people, I am only trying blogging with KISS principle and that’s why I don’t embed YouTube video but with only links.

I saw some bloggers were trying to figure out from whether they should continue to blog or not to complicated life situations, while others happily making plans and setting goals for this brand new 2013. Some bloggers have realized that making resolutions are just crossing-the-previous-year-number-and-writing-down-the-new-year-number-on-the-same-list kind of thing, and stopped it. But if you still make some, consider to add some to your resolutions list. Whatever they do, one thing they all love is making a post with a long list of posts.

For some reason, I don’t feel this song was trying to bring happy feeling. Three decades later, we definitely still need to say Happy New Year as you follow what’s going on in our world.

“May we all have our hopes, our will to try.”