Just curious which word is used the most across the official country names in English in the world and the results are:

206 countries in total:

Word frequency:
[snip words less than 2 hits]
  2 China
  2 Congo
  2 Cyprus
  2 Federation
  2 Independent
  2 Ireland
  2 Korea
  2 New
  2 Northern
  2 Socialist
  2 Sudan
  2 Union
  3 Commonwealth
  3 Guinea
  3 Islands
  3 Principality
  3 Saint
  3 South
  3 States
  4 Arab
  4 Islamic
  5 Federal
  5 People's
  5 United
 10 Democratic
 11 State
 17 Kingdom
137 Republic

You can get the script on Gist. The script scrapes the list of sovereign states for the names, which seems to have the correct official names in English.

Sometimes, when I happen to read the full name of a country, it may get me thinking. There is history in it, occasionally irony if you know what I mean.